Advanced Machine Learning 1 | Recommender System


1. Trends in Today's Machine Learning

2. Recommender System

(1) The Definition of Recommender System

Application that provide to users personalized recommendations about content they may be interested in.

(2) Types of Recommender System

(3) Types of User Feedbacks

(4) The Definition of Utility Matrix

The utility matrix is a matrix used for showing the degree of preference that as user has for an item.

We can also write this matrix in a tabular form,

The downside of this utility matrix is that the data is always very sparse with only 1% valid information. Also, the number of columns (or the number of items) can be very large so that finding matches to less popular items could be difficult.

(5) Two Types of Collaborative Filtering Systems

(6) The Definition of Latent Factors

The latent variables are variables that can not be observed, but they can be inferred from other variables that are observed.

(7) Utility Matrix Factorization

In order to make predictions of the ratings, we have to decompose the utility matrix . Let's suppose we have latent factors and the user matrix is an matrix (where is the number of the users), and is an matrix (where is the number of items). So we have,

For example, suppose we have latent factors with 7 users and 5 items. Then the following matrix fractorization can be give through our definition.

Screen Shot 2022-01-27 at 1.00.47 AM

(8) Matrix Fractorization Optimization

To optimize the matrix fractorization, we can construct the loss function as,

Where if the user rated item . Otherwise, .

Therefore, we have to minimize the loss for optimization.

Here, the method we are going to use is the gradient descent, which is generally,

We have talked about different gradient methods in this article and please review them if you need. Notice that momentum gradient descent is a simple by efficency method that we can use for this optimization. The moving average of the current gradient and the history gradients are defined as,


The gradients for the loss function we have above are,

Which can also be written to the matrix form of

Where is defined as,

And means element-wise multiplication.

(9) Predictions and Validations

To make a prediction about the rating of user to item based on the model we have fitted,

Based on the loss function above, we have known that the training error is,

Then, suppose we are given a validation set with some user ratings not existing in training set (means ). Then with this new validation set, we can calculate the validation error as,

Where means the data point of user rated item in the validation set.