2020 09 03 Advanced Python 1 Recursion 5e4a5b71f17

2020 09 06 Advanced Python 2 Inbuilt Math Functions 566322082dc3

2020 09 08 Advanced Python 3 Common Misunderstandings be6544334170

2020 09 22 Advanced Python 4 List Methods Tuple Methods List Comprehensions Map Lambda Filter and 7030d979ca38

2020 09 22 Advanced Python 5 Set Dictionary and Counter 1b81a9c3b89e

2020 09 23 Advanced Python 6 String Methods Unicode and Formatting 5fb24d7f3bde

2020 10 06 Advanced Python 7 OS SYS Module File I O and pathlib c2967dfb547c

2020 10 06 Advanced Python 8 OOP Namedtuple and Dataclass 4c6ffbe8eda5

2020 10 24 Advanced Python 9 Mutable vs Immutable Assign Shallow Copy and Deep Copy 5fe01b7f16fd