Advanced Python 6 | String Methods, Unicode, and Formatting
Advanced Python 6 | String Methods, Unicode, and Formatting

- String Methods
(1) String Methods
Note that because all the strings are immutable, so the methods of string can not be an in-place function. Actually, these methods just return the values of the result. The methods are:
- count the number of a char or a string in a string
string.count('a') # count a char
string.count('ab') # count a string
- change all the chars in a string to its lower case
- change all the chars in a string to its upper case
- capitalize the first letter in a string
- capitalize every first letter in a string (start after every , and space) (ignore any number)
string.title() # i.e. hH, ma5, 123 to Hh, Ma5, 123
- replace a string with another
string.replace("", "?") # add question marks between/above per char
string.replace("!", "?") # replace ! with ?
string.replace("!", "") # delete all the ! in the string
- split a string by its space (it will treat several continuous spaces to one space)
- split a string by a given char (and delete it) and return a list (return the string in the list if the given char/string not exists)
Note that if we split by a continuous char in the string, we will get empty strings in the result.
- split a string by a given string (and delete it) and return a list (return the string in the list if the given char/string not exists)
string.split(', ')
- split a string at n-th time it occurs from left by a given string (and delete it) and return a list (return the string in the list if the given char/string not exists)
string.split('l', n)
- split a string at n-th time it occurs from right by a given string (and delete it) and return a list (return the string in the list if the given char/string not exists)
string.rsplit('l', n)
- split a string by a given char (and not delete it) and return a tuple of strings (from left)
- split a string by a given char (and not delete it) and return a tuple of strings (from left)
- split a string by a given char (and not delete it) and return a tuple of strings (from right)
- split a string by a given string (and not delete it) and return a tuple of strings (from right)
- split by lines, that is to say we split a string by \n. If there’s no \n, just put the result into a list.
- join a list of string to create a single string, connected with nothing
- join a list of string to create a single string, connected with char/string
"?".join(myList) # join with a char
"hello".join(myList) # join with a string
- general random string
from random import sample
''.join(sample(string, k=len(string)))
- return the delete of the last char in a string
- reverse a string
- get the lower case of a utf-8 string if exists
string.casefold() # i.e. Λ to λ
- generate 50 space chars and put our string in the center (reduce the the number of spaces by the length of our string)
- generate 50 space chars and put our string in the left (reduce the the number of spaces by the length of our string)
- generate 50 space chars and put our string in the right (reduce the the number of spaces by the length of our string)
- delete the spaces before or behind our string
- delete the spaces before our string
- delete the spaces behind our string
- check if all the chars in a string is a letter (including latin, not allow space)
- check if all the chars in a string is a digit (can be used for bytes and Roman numbers)
- check if all the chars in a string is a digit (can’t be used for bytes or foreign numbers)
- check if all the chars in a string is a digit (all numeric things except for bytes)
- check if all the char are alphabet letters or numbers (space not allowed)
- check if there’s only space in a string (\n and \t are also considered as space)
" \n\t ".isspace() # True
- check if all the letter chars in a string is lower case
string.islower() # "hello123".islower() will return True
- check if all the letter chars in a string is upper case
string.isupper() # "HELLO123".isupper() will return True
- check if a string is in the form of title
- return the index of a char that first appear in the string, if it doesn’t exist in the stringor if we input a string, return -1 (find from left)
string.find('l') # 2
string.find('he') # -1
string.find('y') # -1
- return the index of a char that first appear in the string, if it doesn’t exist in the string or if we input a string, return -1 (find from right)
string.find('l') # 9
string.find('el') # -1
- check whether a string starts with a char/string
- check whether a string ends with a char/string
- fill (20-len(string)) zeros in the left of a string
- swap the lower cases to upper cases, and vice versa (only for letters and ignore the other chars)
(2) String Formatting
- 4 digits of precision, including 1 digit to the left of decimal (auto-round)
f"{0.234567:.4}" #'0.2346'
f"{1.234567:.4}" # '1.235'
f"{12.34567:.4}" # '12.35'
- 4 digits of precision after the floating point
f"{0.234567:.4f}" #'0.2346'
f"{1.234567:.4f}" # '1.2346'
f"{12.34567:.4f}" # '12.3457'
- 2 digits percentage
f"{0.234567:.2%}" # '23.46%'
f"{0.999999:.2%}" # '100.00%'
- human readable text
f"{10000000:,}" # '10,000,000'
- human readable text and 2 digits of precision after the floating point
f"{10000000.1234:,.2f}" # '10,000,000.12'
- currency
f"${10000000.1234:,}" # '$10,000,000'
- add zeros before (only for numbers, use zfill for string)
f"{8:02}" # '08'
f"{000.8:05}" #'000.8'
- add spaces before if number, add spaces behind if string
f"{100:8}" #' 100' # or
f"{100:>8}"f"{'yes':10}" #
'yes ' # or
- add spaces behind if number
f"{100:<8}" # '100 '
- add spaces before if string
f"{'yes':>10}" # ' yes'
- add spaces to both sides (no matter strings or numbers)
f"{8:^9}" # ' 8 '
- print utf-8 format
f'\N{Hatching Chick}' # '🐣'
- string format method
"{1} {0} {1}".format("hello", "world") # 'world hello world'
- unpack list and format
data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print("The numbers are {}, {}, {}, and {}".format(*data))
- switch to binary
f"{878:b}" # '1101101110'
- switch to hexadecimal
f"{878:x}" # '36e'
- switch to scientific notation
f"{878:e}" # '8.780000e+02'
- set aligning by formatting
#'Options: A B C D'
"Options: {:>6} {:>6} {:>6} {:>6}".format(*"A B C D".split())
(3) Unicode
The encode process changes the string (human readable) to machine code, when the decode process changes the machine code back to the string.
- encode a string to utf-8
"Hello World".encode('utf-8')
- encode a string to utf-16
"Hello World".encode('utf-16')
- decode bytes to utf-8
- find the best decoder
import ftfy
ftfy.fix_text(mess) # suppose mess is our messed up machine code
- find the unicode for a char as int
- find the unicode for a string as list of ints
[ord(i) for i in string]
- check whether all chars in a string is ASCII code
"ha34@🐶".isascii() # False
- Turn an int unicode of a char back to char
chr(128054) # '🐶'
2. Examples
- Example #1. What is the output of the following code?
- Example #2. What is the output of the following code?
- Example #3. What is the output of the following code?
- Example #4. What is the output of the following code?
This can be used for java, but not for python.
- Example #5. What is the output of the following code?