Computer Systems Experiments 3 | Configure Experiment Environment

Series: Computer Systems Experiments

Computer Systems Experiments 3 | Configure Experiment Environment

First, let’s clone my ComputerSysE repo from GitHub to your home directory,

$ cd ~
$ git clone

Then, get the path of the environment folder,

$ cd ComputerSysE/environment
$ pwd

If you follow my instruction and successfully cloned my repo, the path should be,


Assume that you are using macOS and bash, let’s edit the .bashrc file at the home directory (if it doesn't exist, create a new .bashrc file),

$ vi .bashrc

we add the following two statements to into this file,

export ENV=~/ComputerSysE/environment
export PATH=$PATH:$ENV/bin

Then we restart the shell,

$ source .bashrc

If all the things are right, you can use the pinout command now to get a diagram of the pins (it is located at ~/ComputerSysE/environment/bin) and we can find it by.

$ cat ~/ComputerSysE/environment/bin/pinout

Also, we have to make sure that we have an essential file named and we will use it to transfer files to the Raspberry Pi. We can check its version by,

$ -h

The output should be,

usage: [-h] [-d device] [-v]  [-p | -s] [file]
This script sends a binary file to the Raspberry Pi bootloader. Version 1.1