Information Security Lab 1 | Building Local Environment

Series: Information Security Lab

Information Security Lab 1 | Building Local Environment

  1. Basic Installation

First, we have to install VirtualBox and Vagrant.

  • Download and install the latest version of VirtualBox here.
  • Download and install the latest version of vagrant here.
  • Windows: Download and install git here.

Ubuntu users may want to use the following commands to install Virtualbox and Vagrant,

$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox
$ sudo apt-get install vagrant

2. Setup the Environment

First, let’s make a new folder named cs6265-tut,

$ cd ~
$ mkdir cs6265-tut
$ cd cs6265-tut

Then let’s download the environment configuration files from the internet by wget,

$ wget

After we download this file, we can unzip it by,

$ tar xzvf tut.tar.gz

Finally, let’s use vagrant to set up the environment,

$ vagrant up

After finishing the setups, we can use ssh to test whether we have successfully configured the environment or not,

$ vagrant ssh

In the VM, we can use the following command to check if everything is okay. By,

$ seclab tut01

If we can get the result of a testing flag, we will be okay to continue.

[!] Ready for tut01