Software Development Process 14 | Category Partition Case Study

Series: Software Development Process

Software Development Process 14 | Category Partition Case Study

  1. Configure the TSLgenerator
  • Download the TSL generator for Mac OS from this link.
  • Move the file to the /usr/local/bin/ directory
$ sudo cp <dir>/TSLgenerator-mac /usr/local/bin/
  • Go to /usr/local/bin/ directory
$ cd /usr/local/bin/
  • Change the permission mode to
$ sudo chmod +x TSLgenerator-mac ./TSLgenerator-mac
  • Go to the root directory
$ cd ~
  • Check if it works
$ TSLgenerator-mac --manpage

2. Generate Test Cases by a Given TSL File

Suppose we have the following TSL file named 
cp-example.txt . You can download it from here.

# Input string
0. [property zerovalue]
size - 1.
size + 1.
size*2 - 1.
size*2 + 1.
alphanumeric characters. [if !zerovalue]
special characters. [if !zerovalue]
spaces. [if !zerovalue]
# Input size
<0. [error]
maxint. [single]

Now, let’s try this file out through the TSLgenerator ,

  • Reports the number of test frames that would be generated without actually producing them,
$ TSLgenerator-mac -c cp-example.txt
46 test frames generated
Write test frames to cp-example.txt.tsl (y/n)? n
  • Output the result to stdout
$ TSLgenerator-mac -s cp-example.txt
Test Case 1 ...
  • Output the result to a file named <filename>.TSL at the file directory
$ TSLgenerator-mac cp-example.txt
  • Output the result to a specific file TestCases.TSL at the file directory
$ TSLgenerator-mac cp-example.txt -o TestCases.TSL
  • Checkout the result
$ diff TestCases.TSL cp-example.txt.TSL
$ more TestCases.TSL

3. Start of Part I

  • Create a directory called IndividualProject in the root
$ mkdir IndividualProject
  • Create a catpart.txt file in the IndividualProject directory
$ cd IndividualProject/
$ touch catpart.txt
  • Implement the TSL file catpart.txt
  • Run it by TSLgenerator-mac and make sure we have 60 to 90 test cases
$ TSLgenerator-mac catpart.txt
  • Commit and push to GitHub.

4. Start of Part II

  • Implement all the test cases by JUnit tests
  • Commit and push to GitHub