Video Game Development 1 | Unity Installation

Series: Video Game Development

Video Game Development 1 | Unity Installation

Before we start to develop games, we need to downloading and installing Unity and Visual Studio. To install these softwares, we need to follow the steps,

  • go to the download page of Unity, click to Download Unity Hub
  • double click on the UnityHubSetup file we download
  • agree to all terms of services and install the Unity Hub
  • open Unity hub and click the “Installs” tab along the left side and click to Add a new Unity version
  • we should select 2020.3.X LTS (commonly Recommend Release) and then click next. LTS stands for Long-Term Support, which is a stable version of Unity that will be supported for 2 years.
  • on the add modules screen, only select Visual Studio for Mac/PC, which will be used to edit our code. Click on Next to continue
  • accept any necessary terms and conditions and begin the installation
  • from the Account menu in Unity Hub, click to Sign in
  • create a Unity account if you don’t have one, or you can simply log in quickly through Google or Facebook or Create a New Unity ID