Video Game Design 8 | Game AI Case Study

Series: Video Game Design

Video Game Design 8 | Game AI Case Study

  1. Game AI

(1) Minion with NavMeshAgent

  • Utilize the main camera looking down on your scene, uncheck the Third Person Camera (Script)
  • Duplicate the Minion_noRootMotion and rename it AI_Minion
  • Remove all the components related to human character control including CharacterInputController, MinionBasicControlScript, MinionScript
  • Add a NavMeshAgent component to the AI_Minion
  • Create a new script called MinionAI in folder Asset > GameAI. Add this script component to the AI_Minion GameObject.
  • Select Window > AI > Navigation to open up the Navigation tag
  • Under the Navigation tag, select Back and make sure all the settings are proper. Then click on the Back button. We are expected to see that the playground turns blue. If it is not blue, check the box Show NavMesh, and make sure you have Gizmos mode on.
  • Require (by RequireComponent) and reference (by GetComponent) the component UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent called agent in script MinionAI
  • Grab a reference (by GetComponent) to the Minion’s Animator called anim as well in script MinionAI
  • Add a public array of GameObjects to MinionAI named waypoints
  • Add an int currWaypoint property in MinionAI
  • Make sure that currWaypoint is first initialized with a value that will cause setNextWaypoint() to go to the 0th item. (This means that -1 might work in this case)
  • Create a private method setNextWaypoint(). This method should analyze currWaypoint and waypoints to increment currWaypoint and loop back to zero if currWaypoint is too big for the array.
  • Additionally, the navMeshAgent object should be updated of the new waypoint with SetDestination(). You will set to,
  • Add error handling in the script if the array is zero length. You may have to call Debug.LogError.
  • In Start() function, let’s call setNextWaypoint()
  • In Update() also call setNextWaypoint(), but only if the navMeshAgent has reached the target waypoint. You can figure this out with navMeshAgent.remainingDistance, but you will also want to check that navMeshAgent.pathPending is not true so that being near a waypoint doesn’t cause rapid iteration through the waypoints before the new path can be found.
  • More complicated NavMeshAgent implementations may necessitate NavMeshAgent.hasPath and NavMeshAgent.pathStatus (complete, partial, or invalid). We don’t have to check these conditions in this case study.
  • In the editor, create 5 waypoints out of GameObjects of 3D > Cube called Waypoint1, Waypoint2, Waypoint3, Waypoint4, and Waypoint5, respectively. Uncheck the box of BoxCollider to cancel the colliders of them.
  • Create a material called TransRed to make these waypoints seem transparent red but visible to us. We have to set the alpha value of Albedo and change the Rending Mode to Fade rather than Opaque. Apply this material to the waypoints.
  • Go back to select the AI_Minion GameObject. Manually increase the size of the array as appropriate to 5.
  • Populate our AI_Minion’s waypoints (in Inspector) with these Waypoint… GameObjects
  • Before running the game, we should confirm that our AI_Minion is not on top of any other characters. We should also confirm that all the waypoints are navigable and reachable from each other and the Minion.
  • Now run the game. We are expected to see the minion translate around from waypoint to waypoint. He will likely be sunk into the ground and will not be making any step animations.

(2) Enhance Bouncy Step Animation

  • Modify your AI_Minion’s NavMeshAgent component Base Offset in Inspector to 0.75. This will fix the issue with the model sinking into the ground.
  • Modify MinionAI script in Update() to tell the animator the forward animation parameter according to the navMeshAgent component’s speed. It should look something like,
anim.SetFloat(“vely”, agent.velocity.magnitude / agent.speed)
  • Now test the game. You should see the minion hopping around and not sunk into the ground.

(3) Moving Waypoint with Predictions

  • Next up, let’s add a moving waypoint that the Minion uses prediction to track down. Duplicate a Waypoint object and rename it as MovingWaypoint.
  • Use Mecanim with an approach similar to the elevator from M2 to create an animation of it. Make sure the waypoint is always just above the navmesh (blue area) and not going over an obstacle or through a wall.
  • Then, save and use the following component script VelocityReporter in Asset > Scripts > GameAI. This is a script for getting a velocity from the present object. With this script, we can get the velocity information of the MovingWaypoint easily. Add this script as a component to MovingWaypoint.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class VelocityReporter : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 prevPos;
    public Vector3 rawVelocity
private set;
    public Vector3 velocity
private set;
    public float smoothingTimeFactor = 0.5f;
private Vector3 smoothingParamVel;
    // Use this for initialization
void Start () {
prevPos = this.transform.position;
    // Update is called once per frame
void Update()
rawVelocity = (this.transform.position - prevPos) / Time.deltaTime;
velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(velocity, rawVelocity, ref smoothingParamVel, smoothingTimeFactor);
prevPos = this.transform.position;
  • Then create a new script called TargetPrediction , and this script should implement the logic of prediction. To get the velocity of the target, we can use GetComponent() to get the VelocityReporter from a reference to the MovingWaypoint .
  • For prediction, implement a simple distance function to determine lookahead time as we have discussed in class. Then use the MovingWaypoint’s velocity and position to extrapolate based on this look-ahead time. To calculate the length of a Vector3 object, we have to call magnitude. The agent.speed is the max speed we have for the agent where agent is the navMeshAgent object we have used in script MinionAI. We should call SetDestination to make the futureTarget our target. Here is the formula with pseudo interface names, and you may need to implement this on your own.
Dist = (target.pos - agent.pos).Length();
lookAheadT = Dist/agent.maxSpeed;
futureTarget = target.pos + lookAheadT * target.velocity;
  • Add this script as a component to the object AI_Minion. Test it out by chasing only the MovingWaypoint . If everything is okay, we are able to see the future target position. We should finally combine this logic to MinionAI script, but it will not be an easy task if we don’t have a state machine.

(4) Convert MinionAI script into a state machine

  • Don’t confuse the discussion of AI state machines with the Mecanim Animator state machine. State machines can be used for lots of things. There is one for the animation system, and you will be implementing a different one for your AI. These state machines may likely interact in some way but are independent implementations. This is to say, the AI state machine is only about the script and nothing about the GUI.
  • The AI state machine we will implement should have at least two states. State0 state can be for the 5 stationary waypoints. State1 state can be for the one moving waypoint. The states should loop forever (e.g. state0 -> state1 -> state0 -> state1 -> …).
  • The recommended state machine for this AI is based on the procedural approach called a procedural state machine. We will first create a enum object called AIState.
  • You can refer to the following script and see how to implement this state machine.
public enum AIState {
InterceptPlayer , AttackPlayerWithMelee,
//TODO more? states...
public AIState aiState;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
aiState = AIState.Patrol;
void Update () {
// state transitions that can happen from any state might happen here
// such as:
// if(inView(enemy) && (ammoCount == 0) &&
// closeEnoughForMeleeAttack(enemy))
// aiState = AIState.AttackPlayerWithMelee;
// Assess the current state, possibly deciding to change to a different state
switch (aiState)
case AIState.Patrol:
//if(ammoCount == 0)
// aiState = AIState.GoToAmmoDepot; //else
// SteerTo(nextWaypoint);

case AIState.GoToAmmoDepot:
//... TODO handle other states

2. Submission

(1) Update the HUD

Update the HUD in both scenes to show your name. Edit the Name game object under the “FramerateCounter — NAME TEXT IS HERE”.

(2) Modification Check List

  • [30 pt] AI-controlled Minion visits 5 stationary visible waypoints
  • [20 pt] Minion is animated with steps and not sunk into the ground
  • [30 pt] AI-controlled Minion heads off moving visible waypoint
  • [20 pt] AI is controlled by a procedural state machine of at least 2 states

(3) Game Building

  • Edit > Project Settings > Player > Product Name: Last_FirstInit_m4
  • File > Save to save the file
  • Select File > Build Settings
  • Choose MacOS, Intel 64-bit + Apple Silicon
  • Create a new folder named Last_FirstInit_m4 (replace with your name Info). This is the root folder.
  • Create a path <root>/Build/OSX . Name the build Last_FirstInit_m4 and save it here.
  • Select File > Build Settings again
  • Choose Windows, x86_64
  • Build it in the path <root>/Build and name it Windows .

(4) Create UNTESTED file

Because one of the builds (.app or .exe) has not been tested, we should add a file UNTESTED to the folder, if we don’t test it.

$ touch UNTESTED

(5) Clean Up the Root

We have to clean the root before we submit.

$ rm -rf .git
$ rm -rf Library
$ rm -rf temp
$ rm -rf Obj
$ rm -rf Logs
$ rm *.sln
$ rm *.csproj