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Linear Algebra

Gaussian elimination, LU Factorization, subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, SVD, PCA, and other applications.

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Probability and Statistics

Conditional probability, expectation, variance, joint probability, MLE and CLT, hypothesis testings, and distributions.

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Statistics for Application

LLN, CLT, confidence interval, moment generating functions, and so on. [Still not finish]

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Linear Regression

SLR estimaters and bias, MLR estimaters and bias, ANOVA (Type 1/2/3), model diagonsis and selection, logistic regression.

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Time Series Analytics

Stationary condition, ARMA models, ARIMA models, partial autocorrelation, exponential smoothing techniques, and Prophet.

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Data Science

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Data Visualization Design

Data types, common charts, design principles, basic Matplotlib and Pandas, Stephen Few’s Rules for Color.

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Data Acquisition

Data pipeline, text processing, TFIDF, computer networks basics, AWS, cookies, APIs, and Selenium.

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Introduction to Machine Learning

Ridge regression, LASSO regression, naive bayes, decision tree, random forest, clustering, and basic pyTorch.

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Advanced Machine Learning

Recommender system, backpropagation, neural network, AdaBoosting, gradient boosting, and basic NLP.

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Relational Database

PostgreSQL, CRUD, JOIN, indexing, window function, database transaction, and schema refinement.

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Non Relational Database

MongoDB, CRUD, and so on. [Still not finish]

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Distributed Computing

Apache Spark, Spark operations, Spark RDD and paired RDD, Spark SQL, and Spark MLlib.

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Data Pipeline

Apache Airflow, DAG design, operators, sensors, xComs, Hooks, and subDAGs.

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D3.js Guildlines

[Not yet finished]

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Computer Science

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Advanced Python

Python, list comprehensions, set, dictionary, counter, string operations, OS/SYS modules, copies.

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Java Programming

Java, data types, loops, input and output, functions and libraries, object oriented programming.

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Data Structure and Algorithms

Sorting algorithms, walking algorighms, searching algorithms, graph algorithms.

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Operating System

Multi-process, multi-threads, mutual exclusion, condition variables, EDM, IPC, sync, I/O devices, and RPC.

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Computer Architecture

RISC assembly, branch prediction, data dependency, Tomasulo's algo, memory ordering, cache and LRU, coherence and consistency.

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Web Development

[Not yet finished]

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Video Game Design

About how to make a toy game using Unity 3D.

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Software Development Process

IDE, VCS, OOP, UML, Android development, requirement engineering, design patterns, black/white-box testing.

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Play with Command Lines

Introduction to bash and other command line commands.

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Regular Expressions

Introduction to regular expressions.

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Computer Systems Experiments

Experiments based on Raspberry Pi.

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Information Security Lab

GDB, PWN, ida, shellcode, stack overflow, and so on. [Still not finish]

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Git and GitHub

Introduction to git and GitHub. Need updates for rebase.

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